Academics » California State Standards

California State Standards

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This spring, your child, along with all public school students throughout California, will participate in the field testing of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). This assessment will be administered to students in grades 3-8 at your child’s school during the testing window of April 2016-May 2016.

In previous years, students in Grades 2-11 participated in the Standardized Testing and Reporting program (STAR); however on October 2, 2013, Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 484, which changed the statewide testing procedures in California. This change is part of California’s transition to the Common Core State Standards. California, along with 45 other states, has begun implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in an effort to prepare our students for College and Career Readiness.

This spring, RBUSD students will participate in the following assessments:

• California Science Content Standards Tests (CSTs): These tests measure students’ performance levels in science in grades 5, 8, and 10. These tests were also given in previous years as part of STAR.
• California Adaptive Assessment (CAA): This test is individually administered to students with significant disabilities in grades 2-11 who are unable to take the CSTs with accommodations or modifications. 
• Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Test: This is also called the CAASP. These tests include questions in Language Arts and Math for students in grades 3-8 and will be taken digitally using a laptop. There will be no make-ups for this field test if a student is absent the day(s) it is administered. This assessment is new and is a field test with no scores reported.
• Grade 11 only - Early Assessment Program (EAP)/California Content Standards Tests (CSTs) : These optional tests measure students’ performance levels in English Language Arts and math for Early Assessment of Readiness for College (EAP). The STAR program will continue to utilize the Early Assessment of Readiness for College (EAP). The EAP is a joint program of the California Public Schools and the California State University (CSU) system. Grade 11 students may elect to complete an additional 15 multiple-choice test questions at the end of the English-Language Arts (ELA) CST, 15 multiple-choice test questions at the end of the Algebra II or Summative High School Mathematics CST, and write an essay. Students’ scores on the optional questions combined with their scores on selected questions from Grade 11 ELA CST, and the Algebra II or Summative School Mathematics CST will be used to give students information about their readiness for CSU and the possibility of earning exemption from the placement tests CSU requires of entering freshman. These tests were given previously as part of STAR and are optional for students.

Support from home is highly valuable, especially during testing “season”. Encourage your child to take these assessments seriously by:
• discussing the importance of doing his/her best on assignments and tests;
• making sure your child gets a good night’s rest and breakfast before each testing day;
• discussing upcoming tests with your child and reducing pretest anxieties; and
• excluding activities and appointments that take your child away from school on testing days.

More information regarding specific testing schedules will be distributed by your child’s principal in the coming month.




Follow these steps to log in and take the SBAC Practice Test. Thanks!

Page will say GUEST for name, state ID and GUEST SESSION for session ID. Click Sign in.

The next page will list the info as Guest, Guest, etc.

Select a Grade in drop down.

Click Yes.

From there you can choose to take ELA or Math practice test, training test, or performance task.

The page after that allows you to view the test instructions and help guide – overview of student testing site and test rules.

Then you can start the test.


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