School Site Council
The Alta Vista School Site Council (SSC) is comprised of parents and staff members. The basic premise for the structure of this council is that the individuals closest to the students should be involved in helping to make decisions that affect the instructional program of the school. It is the responsibility of the SSC to develop a school plan that is responsive to the needs of the students, allocate resources within the school to support this plan, and annually review and update the plan and budget to meet the changing needs and priorities within the school. Membership on this council is for three years. Parents nominate and vote for parents and staff members nominate and vote for staff members with the principal being a permanent member.
Click below to see the upcoming SSC Agenda.
Alta Vista School Site Council Members for 2023 - 2025
Erica Lee, principal
Caroline Alvarado, assistant principal
Staci Sexton, classified
Jamie Siler, certificated teacher
Kristy May, certificated teacher
Scott Linton-Kanas, parent
Bradley Larsen, parent
Jason Branta, parent
Jeremy Kalina, parent
Mehmet Gebes, parent