Arrival, Dismissal and Valet
Arrival 1st - 5th Grades
- 1st-5th Grade: Students may be dropped off curbside in the Knob Hill Valet line. School Office opens at 7:30 am, Doors will open for students at 8:00 a.m.
- Students in grades 1-5 should not arrive to school any earlier than 8:00 am. Students should report directly to their classrooms.
- School starts promptly at 8:15 a.m.
- At 8:15 am we begin whole school Morning Exercises with our students. At this time teachers will be leading their students to the blacktop for morning exercises. Grades 1-3 exercise on the large blacktop and grades 4-5 will be on the upper grade courtyard for exercises.
- Kindergarten: All kindergarten students are to report directly to the kindergarten gate at the on Julia Street. No kindergartener is to be left unattended. AM kindergarten begins at 8:15AM.
Parking around the Alta Vista campus is limited - please show courtesy to the local residents by not double-parking or parking across driveways' especially on the south side of Knob Hill Avenue. Redondo Beach PD monitors regularly for illegal parking activity.
Also, please remember that between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., the Alta Vista staff parking lot is for staff members only! Also, please do not park in the handicapped stall at any time if you do not have a handicapped placard in your vehicle. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Students who arrive after 8:15 a.m. should report to the school office and fill out a tardy note.
Also, please remember that between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., the Alta Vista staff parking lot is for staff members only! Also, please do not park in the handicapped stall at any time if you do not have a handicapped placard in your vehicle. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Students who arrive after 8:15 a.m. should report to the school office and fill out a tardy note.
Please drop off and pick up students at the kindergarten entrance off of Julia Street next to Room #3. On arrival, students line up on the kindergarten playground with their teachers. At the end of school, students will only be released to a responsible parent or guardian.
1st- 5th grade students are expected to leave the campus promptly at dismissal time unless they are enrolled in an after school program (i.e. Parks and Recreation, CDC, and/or an enrichment course). Information about after school programs is available in the school office. Kindergarten students must be picked up by their parent or guardian. Kinder CDC students are picked up by the CDC staff.
- Students in grades 1-2 will remain with their classroom teacher at the lunch benches until a hand off has been made to a parent or guardian. Valet students will be dismissed when their ride arrives.
- Students in grades 3-5 will remain with their classroom teacher in the front lawn behind their classroom cones until a hand off has been made or student is called for Valet. Students in grades 3-5 may also be dismissed to walk/bike home, pending parental permission.
- Students will be dismissed in the manner set forth by the parent/guardian. If you have a change in your child's dismissal or request that your child be dismissed with another family, please call the main office at 310-798-8650 as well as an email to your child's teacher. Changes in dismissal after lunchtime, MUST be made to the main office as teachers are actively engaged with students and not able to check email messages.

Bicycles may be ridden to school. Students must adhere to traffic and road safety, and wear a helmet safely secured to their head. Bikes must be walked onto and off of campus grounds and are to be locked and stored to the bike rack (located near the cafeteria) during the school day.
- Students riding a bike must wear a helmet.
- Once on campus, the bike must be walked and locked in our bike rack.
- The rule is in place before school, after school and during school, weekdays and weekends.
- The waiting areas, benches, and ramps are still a part of a campus.
Scooters, Roller Blades, Roller Skates, and Skateboards are not allowed on campus. This includes the front and side waiting areas, benches, and ramps.