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- CDE Common Core Resources Web page This page provides information and resources about the academic content standards for mathematics and English Language Arts.
- This handbook, created by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) in consultation with the California State PTA, gives parents an introduction to California's CCSS and a summary of what students are expected to learn as they advance from kindergarten through grade eight. K-8 California's Common Core Standards Parent Handbook California PTA Parent Resources The California PTA provides a variety of resources to help parents understand the Common Core State Standards. The resources include Frequently Asked Questions about the Common Core, Parents’ Guide to Student Success, a list of additional resources, and articles of interest.
- The Smarter Balanced Website lists a variety of resources including videos, parent guides, and access to the PTA Parents’ Guides to Student Success.
- This handbook, created by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) in consultation with the California State PTA, gives parents an introduction to California's CCSS and a summary of what students are expected to learn as they advance from kindergarten through grade eight.
- Source for Eureka Math and Wit and Wisdom: Great Minds’ Eureka Math curriculum has won accolades at the state and national levels, and is the only comprehensive math curriculum aligned to the Common Core State Standards at every grade. The non-profit also just released Wit & Wisdom, a new English curriculum that taps the power of literature, history and science to meet the expectations of the new standards.